Thank You Marco Voters! We got rid of Irwin and Blonna!

Vote for the Needs of Marco Residents, not Special Interests!

As Voters, we are facing a voting dilemma, we have to send a message and remove Blonna and Irwin from the Council. I don't mind that they are funded by local businesses, I do mind that they force bad ideas like the Trolley(Bus) on us.

I have spoken to quite a few people that understand politics better than I do and they are split between these two options:

1) Vote only for Grey and Goehler

2) Vote for Grey and Goehler, then hold our noses and also vote for Schwan and Henry. The logic behind this is that there are 4 open spots and if we only vote for Grey and Goehler, Irwin and Blonna might get re-elected since they are incumbents. Below are my thoughts, please make your own decision.

Bonita Schwan is slow to respond to questions and she is sponsored by Grifoni which is reason enough not to vote for her!

Deb Henry is the First VP of Programs for the Democratic Women's Club of Marco Island. I spoke to her for about a half hour and we discussed the Trolley. She was not against the Trolley, but thought it should wait until was better defined. We discussed my comment on holding your nose and voting for her. I gave her the opportunity to give me a blurb to add to my site about herslef, but she never did.

Myself, I will not vote for Bonita. Since Deb Henry never got back to me, I probably can't vote for her, so I will most likely only vote for Grey and Goehler.

Find out more at

Vote NO to:

Rich Blonna - His LinkedIn

Becky Irwin

